Q: We do a quarterly report to the ATF and we need to print a report by date pulled.
The report is for pawn forfeited and buy firearms. The info we need printed is
We printed an “Inventory recently out of pawn”, it would find all the guns, and the only info needed on that report is the serial number. Is there a place in the program we can add fields??? --ross.
A: To get that info Most people just go to WORK WITH INVENTORY-->ITEMS FOR SALE -->CUSTOM SEARCH
Click CLEAR ALL a couple of times then specify ItemType = FIREARMS AND New = FALSE (white not grey) and First Entered = 06/01/09:09/30/09 (don’t forget the colon in the middle) and click FIND.
Save this query and name it whatever you like by clicking the SAVE QUERY button. Next time just change the dates.
You’ll see it produces a spreadsheet of inventory information which is too much info for the ATF but SORT IT and FILTER IT as needed, then left-click the top left corner of the spreadsheet (see below) to select all rows and columns. Then right-click and choose COPY then open Excel or Word, and PASTE, then remove whatever you don’t want, format it, give it a title, etc. and give to ATF. (see picture)