Monday, December 21, 2009

New General Business Report in version 01.11.07

Dazzle has a cool new business report called the GENERAL BUSINESS REPORT. It summarises all your business on one page and can be run for today, or any day, or any length period in history. (See picture below) First, download and install the 01.11.07 update on the server (only). Then download and install WORKSTATIONUPDATE on every workstation, to modify the menus.

Then go to OFFICE-->REPORTS-->REGISTER AND COMMON BUSINESS REPORTS and run the NIGHTLY/GENERAL-BUSINESS REPORT. In NIGHTLY mode it is the same report you are used to, but when you change to GENERAL it will be different. Note that producing a report in the NIGHTLY format will write data to your history file, providing you do promptly every day. This report is automatically run during the register closeout process. But producing a report for BEFORE yesterday, or – producing a report for a PERIOD, such as one week, year, or month, even if that period ends today, will produce the GENERAL format. The GENERAL format consolidates a lot more financial categories and will be very useful and helpful to you. To help your bookkeeper you might try printing it to screen, then right-click it and export to NOTEPAD. This produces a text file that any fool can read and understand, and copy and paste numbers.
If you use MISC CASH to do bank deposits or withdrawals, you may have to change the payment codes for it to work properly, though it does try to search for any misc.payments bthat contain the words BANK or DEPOSIT or WITHDRAWAL.

If you use the Bank-deposit screen to do deposits (& withdrawals) then that means you are using the transaction journal so it gets its banking figures from there.

You understand I’m sure that BALANCES are dynamic things. In other words, how much you have out on the street in pawns changes from day to day, so does inventory. That’s why previously it has been impossible to create a data-table based report that counts balances (cheques, pawns, inventory, etc) for any day other than TODAY. But after a few weeks of head scratching we came up with ways to reconstruct most of these balances for any day in history, making the new report possible. You can print the new report either to a 3” paper tape or to a full page.

Go to OFFICE—CONFIG—PRINTERS and click REBUILD LIST to see the new reports and set up their printers.

The transaction journal reports are not changed and don’t need to be. Their balances are all frozen. For any day in history it is possible to take a starting balance - add and subtract all the subsequent transactions, and come up with a (hypothetical) current balance. That’s basically what the transaction journal does.

Click here to see sample