Version 01.11.06 contains redesigned pawn labels. The old 3 formats are gone and there are six new ones in their place. Previously, whatever label format(s) you selected were what you got, for every single pawn and buy, regardless of type of merchandise. Things are different now ...
Here are the six new label formats . Instructions are after the pictures.
(above) Label format 1: 3" x 1". A general purpose format with barcode and costcode, store no., Ticket-type and No., Operator initials, customer name and ID No (hideable) A general description of the item, Issue date, Pull-date, and item count. A large letter (R) will appear in the top right if it is a re-loan.
(above) Label format 2: 3" x 1". A general purpose format without barcode but with much larger transaction type and no. Also has store no., Costcode is part of the description which includes as much detail as room will allow. Operator initials, customer name and ID No (hideable), and item-count are at the top. At the bottom in small type are pull-date (ex), logbook no. (for guns in USA), previous ticket no. (if a re-loan), storage location. and item count.
(above) Label format 3: 3" x 2". (JUMBO) Perfect for large TV's etc. Two consecutive 1" labels make up this 2" high label. The main feature is the HUGE ticket no. and very big customer name and ID. (hideable). The issuedate and pull date are very prominent at the top , along with the coded cost. A general description on the bottom half includes as much detail as room will allow. Operator initials, previous ticket no (if a re-loan), storage location, and logbook no are easily readable, plus there is a barcode for inventory.
(above) Label format 4: 3" x 1". A JEWELLERY ENVELOPE format with barcode and costcode, store no., Ticket-type and No., Has specific textboxes to clearly show WEIGHT, TOTAL CARAT WEIGHT, AND PURITY. Operator initials, customer name and ID No (hideable) A general description of the item, Issue date, Pull-date, and item count. A large letter (R) will appear in the top right if it is a re-loan. Also the previous ticket no. will be printed.
(above) Label format 5: 3" x 1". This one is for use in the USA with FIREARMS. Similar to the others with barcode and costcode, store no., Ticket-type and No., but has specific textboxes to clearly show MANUFACTURER, MODEL, SERIAL NO., CALIBER, ACTION, AND LOG NO. Operator initials, customer name (not hideable). Issue date, Pull-date, and item count. A large letter (R) will appear in the top right if it is a re-loan.
(above) Format 6: LIST OF ITEMS label. Designed as a useful extra label for sticking on JEWELRY ENVELOPES, so the entire contents can be documented. Also has customer name, amount of pawn (or buy), and ticket no. Coded cost of each item is shown.
The neat thing about the new label formats is -- Dazzle selects the one most suited to the type of merchandise on the ticket. EXAMPLE: if you are buying/pawning an XBox or Playstation, Dazzle will automatically print label type 1. If you are pawning Jewelry, it will automatically print type 5, etc.
This means your labels always contain the optimum amount of pertinent information.
But wait - there's more ... YOU can tell Dazzle what label types you want it to use for different types of merchandise.
To set this up, click on OFFICE / CONFIGURATION / CODES AND ABBREVIATIONS. Then click the tab marked "Merchandise Categories" (see below)
You will see one row for each merchandise category in your database. Each category has a TYPE, which is a broad description of the class of item, for example GENERAL, JEWELRY, FIREARM, etc. You will also see columns called "No. of labels" and "Label-Type"
At the bottom of the screen you will see an area where you can assign the label-format of your choice to ALL categories of a particular TYPE. You can also specify how many labels you want to print for each item of that type. For example, if you wanted two (2) JUMBO-sized labels for all GENERAL merchandise (TVs, games, bicycles, computers, etc) you would set it up as shown below, then click the GO button.
This will immediately assign the JUMBO format to all GENERAL merchandise and you will see the list change before your eyes. However, maybe you don't want the big jumbo labels on some smaller items like CD's etc. So what you would do next is -- go down the list and pick out the categories where you want something different, such as CD's, and simply select a different type of label for CD's. For example you might choose label type 1, and a label quantity of only one (1) label per CD.
Simply repeat this same type of procedure with the other types of merchandise and you will be all set.
Now you need to set up a few options for your labels, to customize things the way you like them. You must go to OFFICE / CONFIGURATION / MASTER CONFIGURATION and click on PAWNS.
You will see a section called LABEL OPTIONS. (see below)
No matter how many items you may have on a jewelry loan (or buy), only one (1) label will be printed, and that will be for the first item. Since all the items are going in a small envelope, there is not room to stick a lot of labels on the envelope, so just the first item label is printed. This applies no matter which format of label you are using for jewelry... you will still only get the first.
If you select the "First label only" option, then you can also choose this one. This will print an extra "CONTENTS LIST" label, to stick on the envelope, showing a brief itemized list of contents. (See label type 6 above) This is an excellent security measure.
If you renew, extend, or re-write pawns or buybacks, you might want to print a new label with possibly a new contract no. and/or dates on it.
Select this to code your loan and buy amounts using your shop's cost code. Otherwise the amounts will be in plain text.
These three are self explanatory. Be very careful if you print customer information on labels. You never know who might read it. What if you throw envelopes out in the trash (dustbin)? Someone could come along and read all kinds of confidential information. And of course if you put items out for sale and don't remove the pawn labels, you will be violating your customer's privacy.
If your labels are not advancing properly in the printer, you should select this option.
That's it. You are now all set up to use the new labeling system. We hope you find it helpful.