A new version of Dazzle is available free to all clients, on the website. Download it from
You will need a username and password. If you do not already have one, contact us.
This update should be downloaded (saved) to your server and then run on the server only. All workstations will be automatically changed over to the new version.
You can read about changes in the new version here.
If you are experiencing any problems seeing your graphics files (photos, ID's, fingerprints, etc.) as a result of this or any other recent upgrade, you need to download and run this small utility program on your server. You will need your password for this one, too.
A new version of Dazzle is available free to all clients, on the website. Download it from
You will need a username and password. If you do not already have one, contact us.
This update should be downloaded (saved) to your server and then run on the server only. All workstations will be automatically changed over to the new version.
You can read about changes in the new version here.
If you are experiencing any problems seeing your graphics files (photos, ID's, fingerprints, etc.) as a result of this or any other recent upgrade, you need to download and run this small utility program on your server. You will need your password for this one, too.
Do you cash checks (cheques in UK)? After upgrading ensure that your "Maker" settings are the way you want them. Go to OFFICE-->CONFIGURATION-->CHEQUE DEFINITIONS and look at your 3rd party cheques. Click on the 4th tab at the top. Make sure the "Maker" tracking is turned ON if you like to record cheque-maker information.
Do you cash checks (cheques in UK)? After upgrading ensure that your "Maker" settings are the way you want them. Go to OFFICE-->CONFIGURATION-->CHEQUE DEFINITIONS and look at your 3rd party cheques. Click on the 4th tab at the top. Make sure the "Maker" tracking is turned ON if you like to record cheque-maker information.